Friday, February 28, 2025

Republican Family Values

Republicans like to claim they are the party that stands up for family values. I have an idea of what they think they mean by that – they oppose homosexuality and same-sex marriage, sex education and teenage pregnancy, abortion, and crime. But how do their beliefs translate into real life?

Thom Hartmann in his June 28, 2023 Substack post compared statistics between “Red” and “Blue“ states. He showed (with links to supporting documents) that compared with Democratic controlled states, Republican controlled states had higher rates of:

·         Spousal abuse and spousal murder

·         Divorce

·         Rape

·         Teen pregnancy

·         Sexually transmitted diseases

·         Opiate addictions and deaths

·         Robbery and aggravated assault

·         Homicide

·         Gun deaths

·         Suicide

It appears from the statistics that the majority of people involved with the items on this list are Republican supporters. Do these statistics reflect their real family values?

Related to the above items are poverty related statistics. Again the following have higher rates in Republican controlled states:

·         High school dropouts

·         Unemployment

·         Unskilled workers

·         Bankruptcy and poverty

·         Child poverty

·         People on welfare

·         People on disability support

·         Homelessness

·         Income and wealth inequality

·         Smoking

·         Obesity

·         Unvaccinated people 

·         Death from Covid and other preventable diseases

·         Maternal and infant mortality

·         Contaminated air and water

Poverty and poor health go hand in hand. One could argue that smoking, obesity and being unvaccinated are also choices people make, so could go in the family values list. But they are also symptoms of poverty and low education.

This raises the chicken and egg question: Do these people support the Republican Party because they are poor or are they poor because they have a Republican government? I argue it’s both, in what’s known as a vicious circle.

Being poor and powerless makes them angry at the system, including all levels of government. And being poorly educated makes them easy victims of the Republican propaganda (Fox News, etc.) which tricks them into voting against their own interest.

Republican policies then contribute to their poverty while enriching the wealthy. A classic example are the ten Red states which, for ideological reasons, didn’t expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act leaving 1.6 million adults without health insurance. The last item in the list, air and water pollution, contributes significantly to poor health and is the result of government policies that allow the pollution, as well as the poverty which forces some people to live in it.

So next time you hear a Republican talking about their party's family values, ask if they mean values like rape, teen pregnancy, abortion, murder and suicide?


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Republican Family Values

Republicans like to claim they are the party that stands up for family values. I have an idea of what they think they mean by that – they op...