Thursday, February 27, 2025

How to Make America Great Again

Donald Trump’s campaign motto from the beginning in 2016 has been “Make America Great Again”. The red MAGA ball cap symbolizes his movement and identifies his followers.

But the questions remain unanswered and rarely asked. When was America great? In what ways was it great? And for whom was it great?

I want to suggest answers to these questions and another one: how can we really make America great again?

I propose that America was “great” during the 1950s, 60s and 70s when it had the largest and most prosperous middle class anywhere in the world and at any time in human history. It was “great” for the middle class working people, most without a college degree. It was “great” in that an adult without a college degree, by working hard and spending wisely, could buy a house, marry, raise children, go on family holidays, and send the kids to college, all with a single income. As anyone can tell you now that is no longer possible. What was different then and what would we need to do to bring it back?

·         Tax the wealthy. The highest personal tax bracket in 1960 was 91%. High taxes allowed America to pay down the national debt from WWII (which was similar in ratio to GDP to todays) while building infrastructure like schools, libraries, highways and bridges. A 90+% tax rate puts a ceiling on top management salaries forcing companies to invest their profits back into the business by paying workers more and doing more research.

·         Tax businesses. This includes closing all loopholes.

·         Consider adding or increasing capital gains, estate and wealth taxes

·         Make college free or at least affordable for all. The GI Bill that gave veterans a free college education was a huge factor in creating the prosperous middle class of those decades. College was funded about 90% by government, 10% by tuition. Those ratios have flipped.

·         Enforce antitrust laws to prevent or break up monopolies to make an even playing field for small and middle sized businesses to thrive

·         Make share buy-back illegal like it used to be. This business practice enriches the remaining shareholders while doing nothing to improve the business or its workers.

·         Unions need to be strong and supported by the government

·         Minimum wage needs to be sufficient for a single person to live on

·         Labor laws need must be strong and enforced.

·         Women, people of color, and other minorities need equal opportunites in the workforce

The MAGA Republicans are of course doing the exact opposite of what actually would make America great again (though arguable Trump is making America great again for billionaires, at least temporarily).

In order to achieve this, Americans will have to wrest power back from the oligarchs, and it won’t be easy. That’s a topic for another day, but here are a few of the things that would have to be done:

·         Make bribery of politicians illegal again so their allegiance is to the voters back home, not the billionaires who funded their campaign

·         Make elections free and fair (see yesterday’s post for problems to fix)

·         Clean up the corruption in the Supreme Court

·         Tighten the laws limiting executive authority

One factor making the goal I listed for a middle-class family (to buy a house, go on vacations etc.) more difficult is that expectations have risen and along with them the cost. Compare the size of houses built in the 1950s with new ones today. And houses are now filled with expensive appliances. Vacations were more modest at that time compared with today – camping in a tent or small trailer at a lake a few hours’ drive away, not a resort in Acapulco.

I just wrote all this off the top of my head so am likely missing some points. Please add your thoughts in the comments. I’ll add more links to relevant articles as I come across them.


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How to Make America Great Again

Donald Trump’s campaign motto from the beginning in 2016 has been “Make America Great Again”. The red MAGA ball cap symbolizes his movement ...